(b)Five things about the Sandbox folder structure
1 Bin32 and Bin64 were contained in this folder. And User can choose one from these two WINDOW operating system depend on their own computer's operating system.
2“Game”folder is the most important one,because this folder hold many important files which will be used in CryEngine such as sound
3 “Tool” folder is also important. This folder include many useful files. I can install exporter plugins such as CryMax tool which is pretty useful.
4 Tools folder-->SettingsMgr.exe( use at least once before using program)
A green light means the engine detects the resource compiler.
5 CryMax tools pretty useful and easy to install. For example just type the name of the drive which have 3D's max system , it will be installed for user.
(c)Ten tips and tricks related to Sandbox user interface
1. Right click perspective can change the view that is wanted by the user, and F3 is the wire frame option
2. Users are allowed to work and edit the object they selected and locked,which called lock-selection
3. Using WASD letters for contorlling the movement.
4 . The speed of camera can be changed to view in status bar, which is depend on users
5. AI physics allow user edit it in a game sense.
6. Press Control+G start on the game mode
7 . Terrain buttom can allow user go through object.
8. Go to Position allows users to get their coordinates of their lacation. Also it allows users to get the coordinates of location they want.
9.Users can use console command box to contorol the editor performs and make an instruction.
10. 10.X, Y, Z, XY represent x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, and xy-axes respectively which restricts item moving along these route.